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What is Spironolactone for Hair Loss?

What is Spironolactone for Hair Loss?

Unexpected hair loss can be a difficult experience, but there are medications that can help halt or reverse it. Spironolactone is one such treatment, and it has proven effective at combating hormone-related hair loss in women.

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Aging, Glycation, Ages

Aging, Glycation, Ages

Getting older is inevitable. And unfortunately our bodies have processes that can trigger aging. Research has shown that waste created in our own body, called AGEs, accumulates in our body and wreaks all sorts of havoc. Aging and AGEs are quite different, but very much related.

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Are Tretinoin side effects normal?

Are Tretinoin side effects normal?

Tretinoin is kind of the holy grail of anti-aging products. It works by stimulating and accelerating the cellular turnover cycle. This process happens naturally and your age determines how long it takes. 

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Facial Care for Men: Five Products Every Guy Should Have

Facial Care for Men: Five Products Every Guy Should Have

Men, don’t cover your skin! Use the best face products for men to create healthier, younger and more vibrant natural skin.

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Personalized Skincare - What You Need to Know

Personalized Skincare - What You Need to Know

Personalized skin care provides the best results.

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Can Carnosine Slow Aging?

Can Carnosine Slow Aging?

We’re all looking for ways to slow down the aging process. One of the keys might already be right inside of our bodies! Carnosine is produced naturally and found in our muscles, the brain, and the heart.

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The Importance of Vitamin D and Longevity

The Importance of Vitamin D and Longevity

A lot of people take vitamin D. As many as 40% of Americans have a deficiency. Although it’s known for keeping our bones strong, vitamin D does a lot more for our bodies than we originally thought. In fact, it may help ward of some age related diseases and lengthen our lives.

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