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How Stress Affects Hair Health

How Stress Affects Hair Health

In today’s fast-paced world, stress often seems unavoidable. Juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities can often lead to feelings of pressure and anxiety. Stress can also have an impact on our physical health, including our hair. Chronic stress can disrupt the natural growth cycle of hair, leading to issues like hair thinning, loss, and changes in texture and health. 

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The Importance of Vitamin D and Longevity

The Importance of Vitamin D and Longevity

A lot of people take vitamin D. As many as 40% of Americans have a deficiency. Although it’s known for keeping our bones strong, vitamin D does a lot more for our bodies than we originally thought. In fact, it may help ward of some age related diseases and lengthen our lives.

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Series for Success: Time Management When You Don’t Have Time!

Series for Success: Time Management When You Don’t Have Time!

We did a little research to try and make the transition a little easier for you. Whether you have a busy job at the office, work from home, are a stay at home parent, someone managing a household or even a retired person, it’s not unusual to feel like you should be managing your time better. Here are some tips to help you out.

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Taking Care of Your Teeth Could Help You Live Longer

Taking Care of Your Teeth Could Help You Live Longer

Some of the possible keys to longevity are well known. They include eating right, exercising, maybe taking certain vitamins. But there’s a surprising one that scientists are taking a closer look at: dental health.

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The Importance of Primers for Mature Skin

The Importance of Primers for Mature Skin

Qyral has the best primer for aging skin. Read on to find out why.

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Things to Look for in a Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

Things to Look for in a Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

It may seem counterintuitive to use a moisturizer on acne-prone skin, but we’re here to help you find the best moisturizer for what you need that won’t make the problem worse.

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Can coffee help you live longer?

Can coffee help you live longer?

Some people say that they can’t live without coffee. From college students, to the frazzled moms, to the office and blue collar workers, to the elderly men hanging out in the neighborhood cafe; coffee unites us all. But science is showing us that the people who depend on coffee may be reaping some additional health benefits.

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