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Does being in love make you live longer?

Does being in love make you live longer?

Can being in love really increase longevity? And is there a connection between love and better emotional and physical health? This Valentine’s Day, discover the science behind whether love can indeed help you live a longer, healthier, happier life.

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What is stem cell exhaustion, and how does it affect aging?

What is stem cell exhaustion, and how does it affect aging?

We all recognize the signs of aging as they appear. But how do some people stay looking youthful for much longer than others? The secret might lie in our stem cells. Find out what they are, how to protect them, and how to delay stem cell exhaustion.

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5 spring foods that are great for your skin

5 spring foods that are great for your skin

Eating seasonal food isn't just great for the environment, it's great for your cellular health. Here are five fantastic spring foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals. Eating more of these foods can help improve your skin and reduce premature signs of aging.

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How epigenetic alterations affect aging

How epigenetic alterations affect aging

Epigenetic alterations occur when our bodies read our DNA incorrectly. They can result in many age-related and degenerative diseases and cancers. Learn what causes epigenetic alterations, and how best to avoid them. By making a few simple lifestyle changes, we can all enjoy longer, healthier lives.

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5 ways testosterone affects our skin and signs of aging

5 ways testosterone affects our skin and signs of aging

Can testosterone really affect our skin's appearance and how quickly it ages? We break down the ways hormones impact our skin, and review how testosterone changes the way our skin ages.

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How genomic instability affects aging and what we can do to combat it

How genomic instability affects aging and what we can do to combat it

Our cells are complex, and DNA damage is a common side effect of normal cellular function. Our bodies usually repair this damage, but sometimes it gets out of control. This is known as genomic instability, and it is a hallmark of most cancers, degenerative diseases, and signs of aging.

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Why acne should be treated through diet

Why acne should be treated through diet

Skincare products can be incredibly effective at treating acne, but they can't get below the skin to treat what's going on underneath. What you put into your cells determines what comes out. This is how your diet can affect acne breakouts, and how you can stop the cycle.

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