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Does being in love make you live longer?

Does being in love make you live longer?

Can being in love really increase longevity? And is there a connection between love and better emotional and physical health? This Valentine’s Day, discover the science behind whether love can indeed help you live a longer, healthier, happier life.

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All about deregulated nutrient sensing and how it affects aging

All about deregulated nutrient sensing and how it affects aging

Our bodies rely on proteins to signal when to switch our metabolism from building new cells, to breaking down old ones. Proteins do this by sensing different nutrients in our system. When this process fails, it's called deregulated nutrient sensing, and it is one of the hallmarks of aging. Learn all about it now.

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How loss of proteostasis affects aging

How loss of proteostasis affects aging

Proteostasis is the name for the state when our proteins are all working properly. This is important because proteins are necessary for almost all our cell's functions. When proteostasis is lost, cells stop working or even die. Loss of proteostasis is a risk factor for many age-associated diseases. Learn the factors that affect proteostasis and how to protect your proteins.

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What is mitochondrial dysfunction and how does it affect aging

What is mitochondrial dysfunction and how does it affect aging

Mitochondria make the energy our cells need to function. However mitochondria are very delicate, and can be easily damaged by oxidative stress and UV light. Find out how mitochondria work, what happens when they fail, and how to protect your mitochondria and age better from a cellular level.

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What are telomeres and how do they affect aging

What are telomeres and how do they affect aging

Telomeres are small caps at the ends of our DNA, that protect DNA from damage when our cells replicate. We all have telomeres of different lengths, and when they run out, our cells stop replicating. That's why we all age at different rates. Learn all about telomeres, and what you can do to protect them, boost your longevity, and stop aging at a cellular level.

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All about cellular senescence and how it impacts your skin aging

All about cellular senescence and how it impacts your skin aging

What is cellular senescence? Learn all about the cellular turnover cycle and why skin cells can stop replicating. Discover how this process leads to signs of premature aging, what causes cellular senescence, and how you can keep your skin healthy at a cellular level.

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How pollution affects your skin — and how to repair the damage

How pollution affects your skin — and how to repair the damage

We all know pollution is a problem. From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, to the perpetual smog that hangs over cities worldwide from L.A. to Beijing, it’s inescapable. However making small changes to our diet and lifestyle can support our skin, keeping it looking young and healthy for longer.

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